My YouTube Channel and More Announcements!

Things have been busy around here. I now have a YouTube channel, which I hope you’ll check out and consider subscribing to if you like what I’m doing there.

Also, while this blog will continue, I’ll mainly use it as an archive for my older posts. I encourage everyone who enjoys this blog to join me at my website’s blog, also called Journeys in Darkness and Light. That’s where you’ll get the most up-to-date information on my writing, videos, and movie presentations. Hope to see you there!

My Letterboxd Watchlist #3: Anthropoid (2016)


Slowly but surely, I am working my way through my Letterboxd watchlist, which is currently over 500 titles. Today, I take a look at Anthropoid (2016), but you can also check out my first entry, The Car (1977), and my second, The Hands of Orlac (1924). Maybe you can take a look at my watchlist and tell me what I should watch next?